The Need for a Danube Post-Covid 19 Strategy for Economic Survival


  • Romeo-Victor Ionescu Dunarea de Jos University of Galati


EU27 is facing to a new crisis generated by the Covid-19 pandemic. This crisis is different from the previous ones because it achieved a maximum degree of complexity. The specialists point out as components of this crisis: social, political, medical and economic elements. As a result, EU27 is expected to decrease its GDP growth rate by 7.4% in 2020 following the outbreak of the Covid-19 (Clark, D., 2020). A forecasted economic recovery in 2021 will be not able to balance the present economic recession in the EU27.


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How to Cite

Ionescu, R.-V. . (2020). The Need for a Danube Post-Covid 19 Strategy for Economic Survival: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 10(2). Retrieved from



Danubian Economy and Legislation