Pedagogical Partnership as a Factor of Enrichment of Physical Culture of Junior Schoolchildren by Innovative Technologies


  • Sergey Kornienko Volodymyr Hnatiuk Pedagogical University


pedagogical school; junior schoolchildren; Elementary School; parents of primary school students; pedagogical education of parents


The article reveals the features of pedagogical school for parents in primary school as an
innovative form of pedagogical education of parents to ensure that they acquire the necessary and
sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities to lead a healthy lifestyle in the family. The topics are
substantiated and the forms of conducting classes in each class of primary school are proposed, which
have been successfully tested for ten years in the secondary school of I-III grades № 17 of the city of

Author Biography

Sergey Kornienko, Volodymyr Hnatiuk Pedagogical University

Associate Professor, PhD, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Ternopil National


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How to Cite

Kornienko, S. (2020). Pedagogical Partnership as a Factor of Enrichment of Physical Culture of Junior Schoolchildren by Innovative Technologies: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 10(1). Retrieved from



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