Using Cluster Approach to Forming Regional Policy in Ukrainian Black Sea Region


  • Larysa Soroka Izmail State University for Humanities


development; region; cluster; competitiveness; factor


It is shown how the tools and directions for competitiveness depend on many factors,
including the economic growth rate of some country and region. But one of the universal tools of
increasing the competitiveness of the economy is using cluster models of development.. The cluster
model implementation efficiency is achieved by forming scientifically grounded with pre-planned
regional development policy studies. According to the results of the research, a systematic cause-andeffect
relationship between the creation of cluster systems and an increase in the competitive capacity
of economic systems has been identified. This gives the reason to argue that clusters are an instrument
of increasing the competitiveness of national economies in the context of globalization. Based on the
research conducted on the example of the Ukrainian Black Sea, the following conclusions were drawn:
the implementation of the cluster policy is based on the organization of interaction between state
authorities and local self-government, business, science, education, production; there is a variety of
forms and methods for providing cluster policies that differs by national features, the cluster approach
concept; using the cluster approach can be considered as natural stage of the country’s economy
development; clusters are a specific form of innovation, and innovation is an important factor in
enhancing competitiveness; the specificity of the cluster is to obtain a synergistic effect, which is
expressed in increasing competitiveness, and its distinctive feature is innovative orientation; clusters
contribute to the growth of tax revenues to budgets; clusters stimulate the development of small and
medium-sized businesses.

Author Biography

Larysa Soroka, Izmail State University for Humanities

Associate Professor, PhD


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How to Cite

Soroka, L. (2020). Using Cluster Approach to Forming Regional Policy in Ukrainian Black Sea Region: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 10(1). Retrieved from



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