The Legal Regime of the Exclusive Economic Area


  • Cristina Ceban University of European Studies of Moldova
  • Maxim Braila University of European Studies of Moldova


coastal state; territorial sea; legal regime; UN Convention


The objective of this research is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the international legal regime of the exclusive economic area established by the 1982 Convention of and of the modern practice of its application, as well as the provisions of the legislation of the coastal states regulating the regime of the exclusive economic area.

The methodological basis of the research was the dialectical method of cognition. This method of scientific knowledge has been combined with the use of historical-legal and comparative-legal methods, as well as logical techniques and research tools, whose application has contributed to achievement of the objective and solving the problems in the field considered.

The value of this article consists of a comprehensive study of current theoretical and practical issues regarding the international legal regime of the exclusive economic area.

The results of the present research can be used in research works, as well as in teaching the course of international sea law.

Author Biographies

Cristina Ceban, University of European Studies of Moldova

Associate Professor PhD in Law

Maxim Braila, University of European Studies of Moldova

PhD in Progress


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How to Cite

Ceban, C., & Braila, M. (2020). The Legal Regime of the Exclusive Economic Area: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 10(2). Retrieved from



Danubian Economy and Legislation