Navigation on the Danube River. International Historical-Legal Aspect


  • Tetyana Vdovenko Izmail State University of Humanities


Danube river; Danube shipping; international navigation; foreign trade


The history of navigation on the Danube river is part of the centuries of history of the
countries and peoples who inhabited the banks of the Danube since ancient times. The origins of
navigation on the Danube date back to the XVIII century, when after the collapse of the Ottoman
Empire, the access to the Black sea was gained. According to the peace Treaty, signed in July, 1774,
the right to trade on the Danube both on ships, and on the adjoining land was received. According to
the Bucharest peace Treaty with Turkey (1812), the border between the countries began to pass along
the Prut river. Changes in the regime of navigation on the Danube in the XVII-XVIII centuries, the
development of bourgeois relations and the emergence of large cities on the Danube lands contributed
to the revival of foreign trade on the river.

Author Biography

Tetyana Vdovenko, Izmail State University of Humanities

Associate Professor, PhD


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Convention on the regime of navigation on the Danube / Конвенция о режиме судоходства по
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Basic provisions on navigation on the Danube / Основные положения о плаванию по Дунаю
(ОППД). Access Mode:
Basic provisions on navigation on the Danube and special recommendations on the application by the
competent authorities of the Danube States of the basic provisions on navigation on the Danube /
Основные положения о плавании по Дунаю и особые рекомендации по применению
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How to Cite

Vdovenko, T. (2020). Navigation on the Danube River. International Historical-Legal Aspect: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 9(2). Retrieved from



Danubian Economy and Legislation