Agrobiological Basis of Alfalfa Growing for Forage and Seeds in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine
alfalfa; fodder; seeds; steppe; productionAbstract
The article deals with the agrobiological bases of alfalfa growing for forage and seeds in the
Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The author proves, that without significant change in the organization of
seed production of perennial grasses and the adoption of the basic requirements for their certification
in the coming years there are all prerequisites for the final elimination of the domestic branch of
seedlings of alfalfa, including primary and elite seed production. The further expansion of alfalfa crops
in Ukraine is possible only by improving the system of varietal seed production, as well as the
development and implementation into agriculture the energy-saving technologies of cultivating culture.
The most favorable conditions for the cultivation of alfalfa for seeds in Ukraine are in the subzone of
the Southern and Northern steppes. The main direction to increase the production of alfalfa seeds is the
raise of seed productivity on the basis of development and introduction of energy saving technologies
for growing domestic breeding varieties in the main regions that grow alfalfa. Other ways to achieve
the goal are related to the improvement of the material and technical basis of seed production and the
improvement of its organization at the state and regional levels.
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