The Scope of Reasonable Suspicion in the National Criminal Procedure


  • Andrei Pantea


state; law; legislation; suspect; plausible; objective


Currently, there is no scientific consensus where the place of reasonable suspicion is in the
legal framework of criminal proceedings. Although there is a legal regulation of reasonable suspicion
in the criminal procedure code provided at general terms and definitions, and despite repeated
references to the concept, the debates on the topic continue. It is not possible to talk about the legal
regulation and the quality of relationships related to the implementation of the studied concept, if so far
the academia and professionals did not developed a unified or at least a majority approach to what is a
reasonable suspicion and what is its scope.


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How to Cite

Pantea, A. (2021). The Scope of Reasonable Suspicion in the National Criminal Procedure: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 10(2). Retrieved from



Danubian Economy and Legislation