Parkinson’s Disease, Symptoms, Manifestation, Treatment Methods


  • Oana Popa


depression; neurotransmitters; sub-cortical structures; stress hormones; cognitivebehavioral therapy


Parkinson’s disease, as established in 1960 by scientists When Ehringer and Hornykiewic,
is a disorder of the brain caused by the destruction or degeneration of dopamine-producing neurons (a
neurotransmitter responsible for the body’s ability to control its movements. Parkinson’s disease is
found in 0.3% in the general population, with an exponential growth trend with age: 1.5% in the
population aged 65. The diagnosis is usually made by the doctor, who records the patient’s medical
history and submits it. Clinical examination This symptom is manifested by stiffening of the affected
areas of the body Stiffness becomes apparent when the affected arm or leg is moved by the examiner
Older people are more prone to injury from obstruction due to osteoporosis and reduced muscle
strength. In patients with Parkinson’s disease, this problem is seconded by the fact that the reflexes of
important protection may be lacking, such as stretching the arms in the event of a fall or rolling the
torso. Through the various therapies currently available, the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease can be
alleviated. Parkinson’s therapy falls into three major categories.


Popescu, Alexandra (2021). Life with Parkinson’s disease Scribd News.

Mccall, Bridget (2006). How to deal with Parkinson’s disease.



How to Cite

Popa, O. (2022). Parkinson’s Disease, Symptoms, Manifestation, Treatment Methods. New Trends in Psychology, 4(1). Retrieved from


