Inflammatory-Demyelinating Diseases Multiple Sclerosis


  • Victoria Onofrei Danubius University of Galati


multiple sclerosis; demyelination; cerebral cortex; neurons; injury


At birth, only some areas of the brain are fully myelinated, such as the brain stem regions,
which direct reflexes. Once their axons are myelinated, neurons achieve optimal function and conduct
faster and more efficiently. Although the myelination process begins in an early postnatal period, the
axons of the neurons of the cerebral hemispheres carry out this process a little later. The myelination
process is slow, starting about 3 months after fertilization. It develops at different times, depending on
the area of the nervous system that is formed. Although the myelination process begins in an early
postnatal period, the axons of the neurons of the cerebral hemispheres carry out this process a little
later. Multiple sclerosis is the most representative condition for CNS demyelinating diseases. In the
specialized literature, multiple sclerosis (MS) is a condition characterized by inflammation and focal
demyelination with multiple locations, accompanied by a process of axonal degeneration. Multiple
sclerosis can lead to pain and muscle spasms, weakness and fatigue, mental problems, disorders of
vision, dizziness, digestive problems and dysfunction of the urinary bladder and large intestine.

Author Biography

Victoria Onofrei, Danubius University of Galati

Student, 2rd year, Faculty of Behavioural and Applied Sciences, specialization Psychology


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How to Cite

Onofrei, V. (2023). Inflammatory-Demyelinating Diseases Multiple Sclerosis. New Trends in Psychology, 5(2), 110–116. Retrieved from


