Therapeutic Approach to Alcohol Addiction in Young People


  • Ioana Margareta Mihai Danubius University


addiction; alcohol; therapeutic approach; relationships; addiction


Every day, we come across frantic headlines in the media about alcohol consumption, but
this subject is not given a qualitative and rational debate, scientifically based and attached to the reality
we live in. I have been wondering for some time what makes people use this drug and why the way
they react after consumption differs so much from one individual to another who consumes the same
beverage, and how they should be treated so as to reduce addictive consumption.


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Psychotherapy Cognitive-behavioral approaches. Bucharest: Universitară.

Maslow A.H (1943). Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper.

Svanberg Jenny (2019). Addiction Psihologia dependenței și a comportamentului adictiv,/ Addiction

Psychology of addiction and addictive behavior. Bucharest: Prior & Books.

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How to Cite

Mihai, I. M. (2024). Therapeutic Approach to Alcohol Addiction in Young People. New Trends in Psychology, 6(1), 65–70. Retrieved from




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