Impact of Modern Communication Technologies on Preschool Children


  • Cristina Boboc Danubius University of Galati


information and communication technologies; Internet; pre-schoolers; online security; preschool children


The use of modern technologies by preschoolers is a complex and current topic. In an
increasingly digitized society, children are exposed to electronic devices from an early age. Modern
communication technologies have become an integral part of everyday life, profoundly influencing the
way preschool children interact and learn. While technology can provide opportunities for learning and
development, there are also concerns about its overuse, impact on social-emotional skills, and potential
health risks. This paper examines the benefits and risks associated with early exposure to technology
and proposes strategies, effective educational practices, and recommended methods to effectively
manage technology use and to promote the healthy and balanced development of preschool children.

Author Biography

Cristina Boboc, Danubius University of Galati

Student, 2rd year, Faculty of Behavioural and Applied Sciences, Specialization Psychology


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How to Cite

Boboc, C. (2024). Impact of Modern Communication Technologies on Preschool Children. New Trends in Psychology, 6(1), 99–104. Retrieved from


