Parenting Styles and Their Impact on Child Development and the Parent-Child Relationship


  • Daniel Boboc


This paper explores the impact of different parenting styles on child development and the parent-child relationship. Parenting encompasses all the methods through which parents raise and educate their children. Understanding various parenting styles is essential in assessing how they affect the emotional, social, and mental development of children. Additionally, studying these styles helps us understand how they influence the dynamics between parents and children, including aspects such as communication, trust, and emotional closeness.

Parenting styles have been of great interest to psychologists and researchers due to their significant impact on child development. By understanding these styles, we can identify both beneficial and harmful practices, offering parents and educational professionals the tools to support children’s harmonious growth and development. Moreover, examining parenting styles is crucial in improving family relationships and preventing or intervening in children's behavioral problems from an early age.


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How to Cite

Boboc, D. (2024). Parenting Styles and Their Impact on Child Development and the Parent-Child Relationship. New Trends in Psychology, 6(2), 11–21. Retrieved from


