The Role of Psychologist in the Penitentiary Environment to Provide the Recovery Conditions and Social Integration of the Prisoners


  • Ecaterina Popa State University of Moldova


penitentiary; prisoners; social integration; freedom; emotional disturbances


Freedom is a right that today’s man is born with or acquires at birth, a right that some of
our fellow citizens end up losing, at least temporarily, because of their behaviour or committed acts.
Loss of freedom involves a constraint on the enjoyment of certain citizenship rights, and this
constraint has a strong impact on the individual in detention, so the role of the psychologist is very
important in the detention environment. The psychologist’s objective is to provide the detainee with
psychological comfort to get him to accommodate, to accept his new condition and more than that to
go through a process of awareness of his deeds that will later help him to revise his behaviour, to
change his vision of life, all for the purpose of his social reintegration.

Author Biography

Ecaterina Popa, State University of Moldova

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Popa, E. (2020). The Role of Psychologist in the Penitentiary Environment to Provide the Recovery Conditions and Social Integration of the Prisoners: Array. New Trends in Psychology, 1(1). Retrieved from


