Add-on Effects of Organisational Identity on Career Commitment Beyond Job Satisfaction


  • R. Olugbenga Azeez Olabisi Onabanjo University
  • A. Fatai Shonaike Omotosho Electric Energy Company
  • R. Alaba Adenuga Olabisi Onabanjo University


career commitment; organizational identity; job satisfaction


Commitment in the workplace has become a serious concern with which have consequences
on both the employees and management staff. The present study examined the add-on effect of
organisational identity on career commitment beyond job satisfaction among employees of power
generating companies in Ondo State, Southwest, Nigeria. Descriptive survey research design was
employed for the study. Two hundred and thirty-four (234) technical staff members of the two
Electricity Generation Companies participated in the study. We collected data using: (i) Demographic
Data Form (ii) Career Commitment scale, (iii) Job Satisfaction and (iv) Organisational Identity
questionnaire. Analysis of data was done using Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Hierarchical
Multiple Regression Analysis to test the research hypothesis. Findings showed that that when job
satisfaction has significant contribution to career commitment (5.4%) was observed (coeff = .118 β =
.232; > .001). Introduction of organisational identity to the model revealed a significant contribution
(8.9%). The icusion of organisational identity in the model provided a significant change of 3.5% to the
prediction of career commitment. arising from the findings, we recommended among other that career
development systems be put in place in organisation in order to create a balance between individual
career aspirations and the organizational needs.

Author Biographies

R. Olugbenga Azeez, Olabisi Onabanjo University

PhD, Faculty of Education

R. Alaba Adenuga, Olabisi Onabanjo University

Faculty of Education


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How to Cite

Azeez, R. O., Shonaike, A. F., & Adenuga, R. A. (2020). Add-on Effects of Organisational Identity on Career Commitment Beyond Job Satisfaction: Array. New Trends in Psychology, 2(2). Retrieved from


