Journalism and History
In this translated article (which, initially, was a conference delivered in Barcelona in 1991),
Eugenio Coseriu dealt with the relation between journalism and history, presenting, most of all, his
conception about journalism and its mission in the modern world. Thus, the Romanian scholar added
new ideas to his previous study regarding the relation between journalism and literature. During his
stay in Barcelona, as an invited speaker, Coseriu had the chance to read the first doctoral thesis (in the
world) devoted to journalism, a dissertation defended in 1690, at the University of Leipzig, by Tobias
Peucer and published in the same year. Consequently, Coseriu also commented extensively on
Peucer’s text and made some very interesting remarks.
Coseriu, E. (1981). Lecciones de lingüística general. Madrid: Editorial Gredos.
Coseriu, E. (2006). Información y literatura, in Coseriu & Loureda Lamas, pp. 85-99.
Coseriu, E.; Loureda Lamas, Ó. (2006). Lenguaje y discurso. Prólogo de Johannes Kabatek.
Pamplona: EUNSA.
Coşeriu, E. (1994). Prelegeri şi conferinţe (1992-1993), ca supliment al publicaţiei ALIL, t. XXXIII,
-1993, Seria A, Lingvistică. Iasi: Casa Dosoftei.
Peucer, T. (2008). De relationibus novellis. Despre relatările jurnalistice. Ediție bilingvă, Prologul
editorului, studiu introductiv și postfață de Cristinel Munteanu, Text latin stabilit, versiune
românească și note de Cristian Bejan. Pitești: Editura „Independența Economică”.
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