Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol. 4, No. 1
In this paper it is made an analysis on the national standardization activity as a part of
quality infrastructure from our country. This analysis is included in a legislation frame in accordance
with the principles and stipulations of European and international normative. In the some time it is
shown the complex effects that are produced while it must be introduced the European and
international standards necessary for a sustainable development.
standardelor, Bucureşti: ASRO.
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Europeană in anumite sectoare industriale româneşti, Institutul European din România.
*** Revista Standardizarea 2005-2008.
*** Obiectivele României in activitatea de standardizare in vederea integrării in Uniunea
Europeană, ASRO, 2004.
*** Strategia de dezvoltare pe termen mediu a infrastructurii pentru evaluarea conformităţii,
2004 - 2007, a study of The Ministry of Economy and Commerce.
Online Sources.
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