Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol. 6, No. 2
The financial and economic global crisis has exacerbated some of the imbalances existent
in all EU Member States, in particular the fiscal-budgetary imbalances. For some countries whose
currency is euro, the fiscal and budgetary challenges seem to threaten even the stability of the euro
area. Thus, in the context of financial and economic global crisis, this article aims at identifying a
number of negative aspects of the fiscal-budgetary situation of some euro area countries, more
seriously affected (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Spain) and at revealing a series of possible
implications of this phenomenon for Romania, thus giving originality of the conducted analysis. A
fulcrum in this approach is the economic literature and the authors’ research work in the field of
European integration. Through a comparative approach, the authors have identified some weaknesses
of the Romanian economy generated by the current situation of some euro area countries. Given the
place of the theme within the frame of present interest researches, the article’s results will be of
interest for both academics and practitioners.
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Issue 815.
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