Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol. 9, No. 6
Though, various organizational outcomes are purported to result from market orientation in
developed countries, very little or no such research has been focused on understanding the complex
relationship between market orientation and frontline employee attitude towards customers in a
developing country like India. In order to plug the gap the present study has been conducted in Indian
service sector with samples from its two prestigious banks. The study that matches perceptions from
both the frontline employees and their customers reveals that the elements of market orientation like
market intelligence generation, market intelligence dissemination, and market intelligence
responsiveness exert its impact on frontline employee attitude or what is generally known as
functional qualifications in service marketing literature and consequently effects customers’
evaluation. Conclusions and discussion of the study are drawn, and finally the implications of the
study for practitioners have also been discussed.
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