Business Administration and Business Economics


  • Collective Authors


This paper examined tacit knowledge so as to see whether tacit knowledge when properly
put to use can lead to improved performance by upstream sector firms in Nigeria. Knowledge as we
believe, is very vital to both corporate entities and individuals. Knowledge encompasses both explicit
and tacit. This paper focused on one aspect of knowledge – ‘tacit’ which is in the psyche or brain of
the individual possessing it. Inspite of the central role it plays, tacit knowledge has been downplayed
by most firms. However, we adopted a survey research design via questionnaires administered to 504
employees randomly selected from 3 different oil firms. The data obtained were analyzed using
inferential statistics. Also, multi-collinearity diagnoses of tacit knowledge and organizational
performance was performed. The result suggests that tacit knowledge is linearly correlated with
organizational performance. This implies that tacit knowledge predicts organizational performance.
This study is significant in that the findings would be useful to management of firms, as it divulge
how tacit knowledge when properly harnessed can lead to increased performance. Most prior studies
in this area were conducted in other countries, hence our study is one of the first in Nigeria that
examined tacit knowledge and organizational performance.


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How to Cite

Collective Authors. (2021). Business Administration and Business Economics: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 12(1). Retrieved from


