Financial Institutions and Services


  • Collective Authors


The study sought to analyse the factors that lead to rising credit risk in the Zimbabwean
banking sector. The objective was to ascertain the impact of macroeconomic, industry and bank
specific factors on rising credit risk in in Zimbabwe. The study aimed at contributing to credit risk
management literature by providing evidence Sub Saharan context. Being anchored on the positivist
quantitative research approach, a survey was carried out gather the data that were analysed using
descriptive, correlation and regression analyses. The results revealed that the most significant factors
leading to credit risk in the Zimbabwean banking sector were macroeconomic and bank specific
factors. The industry factors did not show a significant influence on the rising credit risk. The
research findings of this study will a valuable addition to the existing knowledge and provide a
platform for further research on how the credit risk problems can be dealt with. While credit risk is
known as one of the risks inherent to any banking institutions, the alarming levels of credit risk in the
Zimbabwe banking sector has motivated this current study to critically analyse the factors that have
led to the high credit risk levels.


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How to Cite

Collective Authors. (2021). Financial Institutions and Services: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 12(1). Retrieved from


