

  • Collective Authors


The study at hand explored the impact of practising environmental sustainability by South
African SMEs on their firm performance. With a contemporary view, the study considered a
multidimensional viewpoint by measuring firm performance through financial, customer satisfaction
and employee satisfaction as constructs of firm performance. Herein, three hypotheses were postulated
which stated that environmental sustainable development (ESD) was significantly and positively related
to (1) financial performance (2) customer satisfaction performance and (3) employee satisfaction
performance amongst SMEs in South Africa. A questionnaire was distributed in the month of August
2017 with a sample size of 222 participants being subsequently utilised. Convenience sampling method
was employed and data was subsequently analysed with the structural equation modelling (SEM) being
the primary technique. Descriptive statistics and factor analysis were also utilised in data analysis. Of
the postulated hypotheses, all were supported. Thus, established in this study is that environmental
sustainable development was significantly and positively associated to financial performance, customer
satisfaction performance and employee satisfaction performance. Hence, recommendations are put
forward for policy formulations that take cognisance of the multidimensionality of firm performance
which is ideal for the future and contemporary sustainable development dispensation.


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How to Cite

Collective Authors. (2021). Entrepreneurship: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 14(7). Retrieved from https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/AUDOE/article/view/1190


