The Link between Students Satisfaction and the Quality of Higher Education in Republic of Macedonia


  • Idriz Kovaci
  • Alberta Tahiri
  • Fari Bushi


higher education; students; satisfaction; quality


Education has a key role in the development of a country, in the improvement of its
economic welfare as well as the living standard of its citizens. The Republic of Macedonia is a
developing country which constantly invests in its educational institutions as well as increasing their
number in order to improve the quality of life of its citizens. In recent years the Republic of
Macedonia has seen an increase in the number of institutions that offer higher education as well as an
increase in the number of freshman year students enrolling in these institutions. The number of
students has increased due to the fact that a large number of the companies in the technological and
business sectors are requiring that their staff at least have a University degree. This paper researched
the importance of separate factors of studying for the students in the Republic of Macedonia and the
degree of their satisfaction from the administrative, academic and physical capacities and resources,
as well as the level of satisfaction from the interpersonal communication and the general surrounding
of the Universities The research showed that there are statistical differences in the level of satisfaction
of students from public and private universities from academic activities and services at universities,
physical facilities and resources at universities, and interpersonal relationships at universities, with
students from private universities demonstrating higher levels of satisfaction in these areas. the
concept of student satisfaction will be studied through a prism of consumer satisfaction. The analysis
will contain implications of the results and recommendations for further research.


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How to Cite

Kovaci, I., Tahiri, A., & Bushi, F. (2020). The Link between Students Satisfaction and the Quality of Higher Education in Republic of Macedonia: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 16(2). Retrieved from



Business Administration and Business Economics