Development of the Teaching About Material Responsibilities in Labor Law


  • Tatiana Stahi State Agrarian University of Moldova
  • Mariana Robea Danubius University of Galati


material responsibility; property liability; damage; worker; employer


One of the problems of modern civil and labor law is the ratio of the institutions of material
and property responsibility, in particular, the application of the provisions of responsibility in relations
involving the possibility of joint use of civil and labor law. For example, in the event of harm to the
interests of third parties by an employee in the performance of his job duties. For the correct and
reasonable application of the norms of liability, it is necessary to determine the role and place of property
and labor liability in the system of legal liability as a whole. The article examines the development of
the doctrine of material and property responsibility in labor law. Fulfillment of the obligations of the
employee and the employer in accordance with labor law. A necessary element is damage to property
or health of the employer, employee, respectively.


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How to Cite

Stahi, T., & Robea, M. (2020). Development of the Teaching About Material Responsibilities in Labor Law: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 10(2). Retrieved from



Danubian Economy and Legislation