Talent Vs. Work in School Success and Failure


  • Mihai Nistor Danubius University of Galati


education; talent; counseling; motivation; work


Through the chosen topic, I want to capture the changes made by individuals during
education, even after the completion of education, so that I can see the concordance between
performance and personal skills. A first hypothesis that came to my mind for this theme was “How
important is talent in today's society?” to which I added questions such as “Why is talent considered a
hobby?” or “Why don't you want quantity and not quality?”. Referring to different definitions,
education represents the ability of man to get everything he wants in this world, but not to disturb the
moral balance. In addition to talent, we need to talk a little about work as an influential factor. Work
refines talent and to measure this we can only do it in first quantitative terms (time, goals achieved,
quantity, etc.). Generalized global success represents ensuring the relationship between factors of
internal and external origin. Those of an internal nature characterized by (self-image, affectivity,
emotional development, etc.), and the factors of an external nature more precisely (surroundings, social
environment, etc.), representing the main vectors that are responsible for guiding the learner in the
universe full of opportunities. Ultimately preparing the individual to create a career is a challenge for
all parties involved in supporting development (parents, teachers, the child himself). Counseling
children for the formation of their talents must be based on a positive vision and a constructive
approach, so as to integrate the child into careers that can bring him multiple roles in his social and
personal life. For these reasons, the labor field wants a set of skills, not just one, to make the talent
management in the company hierarchy more efficient and satisfying.In conclusion, work and talent
include a problem in child development, because they help them to take on roles in society and to
assume them throughout life.

Author Biography

Mihai Nistor, Danubius University of Galati

Student, 2 year, Faculty of Communication and International Relations, Specialization Psychology


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How to Cite

Nistor, M. (2022). Talent Vs. Work in School Success and Failure. New Trends in Psychology, 4(2). Retrieved from https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/NTP/article/view/2098


