The Romanian People and Cursing. Some Journalistic Opinions from the Past


  • Fanel Teodorascu Danubius University of Galati


pamphlet, journalism, literature, parliamentary oratory, history of the press.


[The Romanian people and cursing. Some journalistic opinions from the past]. In this
paper, we aim at examining precisely what some of the Romanian journalists, from the end of the 19th
century and the beginning of the 20th century, were writing about cursing, as it was understood at that
moment, and about those men prone to cursing. In order to conduct this research, many press articles have
been read, most of them published in journals such as România liberă, Gazeta Transilvaniei, Adevărul,
Țara noastră, Unirea poporului etc.


Arhiva revistei/ Magazine archive. Furnica/The Ant, years: 1919 și 1929.

Arhiva revistei/ Magazine archive. Țara noastră/Our Country, years: 1928.

Arhiva ziarului/ Newspaper archive. Adevărul/The truth, years: 1911, 1928 and 1933.

Arhiva ziarului/ Newspaper archive. Gazeta Transilvaniei/ Transilvania Gazette, year 1924.

Arhiva ziarului/ Newspaper archive. Opinia/The Opinion, year 1906.

Arhiva ziarului/ Newspaper archive. Renașterea/ Renaissance, year 1927.

Arhiva ziarului/ Newspaper archive. România liberă/ Free Romania, year 1885.

Arhiva ziarului/ Newspaper archive.. Unirea poporului/ The union of the people, year 1940.

Arhiva ziarului/ Newspaper archive. Universul literar/ The literary universe, year 1925.




How to Cite

Teodorascu, F. (2021). The Romanian People and Cursing. Some Journalistic Opinions from the Past: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, 15(1). Retrieved from



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