Woman as a Work of Art. Journalistic Opinions from the Interwar Epoch


  • Fănel Teodorașcu “Danubius” University of Galati


Among the novelties brought by the interwar years to the Romanian society, there was the belief that any woman can be beautiful. The problem of lacking natural beauty had become something easy to solve, by using a few cosmetic products, by frequently visiting the beauty centers and by replacing old clothes with some new en vogue ones, according to the latest fashion of the European cities. Those women, who were already beautiful, would have become even more beautiful, if they had followed the beauty secrets, secrets which could be discovered in the columns of the newspapers and magazines. Some men from that very epoch even stated that some women could be considered real works of art. This is exactly what interests us mostly in the current research. Thus, we aimed at analysing what was written in some Romanian interwar newspapers in connection to the idea that woman’s knowledge of being beautiful can be considered a form of art.

Author Biography

Fănel Teodorașcu, “Danubius” University of Galati

Associate Professor, PhD, Faculty of Communication and International Relations


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Arghezi, T. (1946). Manual de morală practică, ediția originală. Iași: Pygmalion.

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Rozopol, P. (1943). „Arta de a fi femeie”, în Almanahul Mariana. București: Editura „Ziarul” S.A.R.

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Teodorașcu, F. (2020). Prin lentila deformatoare a presei. Studii despre „literatura efemeră”. Iași: Institutul European.


Arhiva revistei Curentul magazin pe anul 1939.

Arhiva revistei Furnica pe anul 1923.

Arhiva revistei Ilustrațiunea română pe anul 1936.

Arhiva revistei Poliția pe anul 1924.

Arhiva revistei Realitatea ilustrată pe anul 1932.

Arhiva revistei Sex-appeal pe anul 1933.

Arhiva ziarului Gazeta Transilvaniei pe anul 1935.




How to Cite

Teodorașcu, F. . (2024). Woman as a Work of Art. Journalistic Opinions from the Interwar Epoch. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, 17(1), 60–75. Retrieved from https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/AUDC/article/view/2653



Semiotics and Journalism