Literature in the Teaching of the Foreign Language


  • Vanina Narcisa Botezatu Danubius University of Galati
  • Gabriela Florentina Nicolae Dunărea de Jos University of Galati


mythology; literature; myth; returns; recontextualisation


This article presents the importance of using the literary text as a didactic tool for teaching a foreign language. We will present the advantages that literary texts offer, as well as the selection criteria in choosing the most appropriate texts, because reading literary texts has a positive impact on the development of discursive skill. At the same time, it offers a series of reflections on the relationship between literature and teaching foreign languages, as well as the fact that the introduction of literature in didactics of foreign languages must take into account the teaching methods, needs and level of learning of students. The example presented can serve as a model, so that the learner can assimilate, in addition to the linguistic forms, the literary forms of the target culture, as the literary text helps to build a vocabulary that allows the use of the language in different contexts and promotes a more accurate knowledge of that reality.

Author Biographies

Vanina Narcisa Botezatu, Danubius University of Galati

Senior Lecturer PhD, Faculty of Communications

Gabriela Florentina Nicolae, Dunărea de Jos University of Galati

Senior Assistant PhD, Faculty of Fine Arts Galati


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How to Cite

Botezatu, V. N., & Nicolae, G. F. (2022). Literature in the Teaching of the Foreign Language. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, 16(1). Retrieved from



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