Business Administration and Business Economics


  • Collective Authors


In most economies, variations in interest rates have become a prominent feature both in the
long-run and short-run. This study thus examines by means of robust analysis, the effect of the
variations in interest rates on the level of stock market capitalization in Nigeria for a period of 29
years (1981 – 2009). Data was obtained from the statistical bulletin of the Central Bank of Nigeria
(CBN) for the relevant years. The analysis of the data obtained was done with the Ordinary Least
Square (OLS) method. The results from the study showed that variations in interest rate significantly
affect the level of stock market capitalization, thereby suggesting that there is a significant
relationship between interest rate variation and the level of stock market capitalization in Nigeria for
the period under study. Based on the above, it was recommended that the Government of Nigeria and
the appropriate monetary authorities should continue to give serious attention to policies geared
towards lending rate in the country, if a desired level of market capitalization must be achieved.


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How to Cite

Collective Authors. (2021). Business Administration and Business Economics: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 8(5). Retrieved from


