Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol. 9, No. 1
Despite an increased interest in humanistic touch in global organizational support, the
nature of helping processes rendered by supervisor and coworkers is still vague. The study was
performed to examine the relationship between organizational humanistic social support and work
interference with family conflict using 100 usable questionnaires gathered from academic staff in a
Malaysian public institution of higher learning in Borneo. The findings of SmartPLS path model
indicated that humanistic touch in term of supervisory support significantly correlated with work
interference with family conflict. Similarly, humanistic touch of coworker support significantly
correlated with work interference with family conflict. This result shows that the readiness of
supervisors and coworkers to amply offer material and moral support in performing task have reduced
the intrusion of work problems in employees’ family affairs and enriched their skills to decrease
family conflicts. In addition, discussion, implications and conclusion are elaborated.
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