Teacher Evaluation - a Systemic Challenge


  • Filip Stanciu
  • Cornelia Elena Tureac
  • Lidia Stanciu
  • Sorin Enache


evaluation; teachers; education; students; parents


Improving the teacher evaluation process is a necessary and beneficial measure for all
participants in the education system. Therefore, teacher evaluation is a key element in quality
assurance and performance. Therefore, concrete efforts must be made to encourage the participation
of all stakeholders in the evaluation of teachers. The model for the evaluation of pre-university
teachers is based on: the results obtained from quantitative research, on the analysis of current trends
in Romanian and European pre-university education and the analysis of the legislative framework of


***Evaluation of Romanian schools - Study conducted by OECD and UNICEF - May 2017. (Study
***Evaluations and examinations in the Romanian education system”, conducted by OECD, in
cooperation with UNICEF and the Government of Romania, 2017).
***Framework Regulation for the organization and functioning of pre-university education units
(ROFUIP), approved by Ministerial Order no. 5447/31.08.2020.
***Order of the Minister of Education and Research no. 4247/2020 for the modification and
completion of the Methodology for the annual evaluation of the activity of the teaching and auxiliary
teaching staff, approved by the Order of the Minister of Education, Research, Youth and Sports no.
Dragu, A. (1996). Structura personalitatii profesorului/The structure of teacher’s personality.
Bucharest: Editura Didactica si Pedagogica.
Milanowski, Anthony & Kimball, Steven M. (2003). The Framework - Based Teacher Performance
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Owen, Harvey Beavis (2003). Performance - Based Reward of Teachers: A Literature Review. 3rd
Workshop of Participating Countries on OECD’s Activity Attracting, Developing and Retaining
Effective Teachers 4-5 June 2003, Athens, Greece.
Stronge, J.H. (2006). Teacher evaluation and school improvement: Improving the educational
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Stronge, James H.; Tucker, Pamela D. (October 2020). Handbook on Teacher Evaluation. Assessing
and Improving Performance. 1st Edition, New York: Routledge. DOI:




How to Cite

Stanciu, F., Tureac, C. E., Stanciu, L., & Enache, S. (2022). Teacher Evaluation - a Systemic Challenge: Array. Didactica Danubiensis, 1(1). Retrieved from https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/DD/article/view/1608



Educational Management