NGOs and their Impact on the Preservation of Peace and Security in International Relations
The international non-governmental organization is an organizational structure that appears due to private or mixed initiatives, being outside any intergovernmental agreement and bringing together people from various social categories, private or public institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) belong to a field that finds in the sphere of the civil society and have as objects, provided in the statute, the identification of some solutions to the problems of the society, thus encouraging a democratic and authentic society. They are independent of the state, and what makes them special in relation to other organizations is the non-profit character, based on the benefit of the public and not the private one.
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Cristian Jura, 271 de organizații internaționale, Ed.CH-Beck, București, 2013;
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Kenneth .N.Waltz, Teoria Politicii Internationale, Editura Collegium, Polirom, Iasi, 2006;
Petre Dumitriu, Sistemul O.N.U. in contextul globalizarii, Editura Curtea Veche, Bucuresti, 2008
.Magdalena Denisa Lungu, Rolul organizațiilor internaționale în soluționarea pașnică a diferemdelor internaționale, Ed.Universul Juridic, București, 2010;
Maurice Vaisse, Dictionar de relatii internationale, Editura Collegium Polirom, Iasi, 2008
Mihail Niemesch, Maria-Beatrice Berna, Dreptul Organizațiilor Internaționale, Curs Universitar, Ediția a II-a, Editura Hamangiu, București, 2020
M. D. Lungu, Rolul organizaţiilor internationale in solutionarea paşnică a diferendelor internationale, Ed. Universul Juridic, București, 2010
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