Childhood Trauma Effects on the Development of Personality and Mental Health


  • Cosmina-Marilena Manea Danubius University of Galati


Trauma; personality; mental health; effects; types


Childhood traumas are represented by events influencing a person's life affecting
personality development and mental health. These traumas can be of several kinds, interpersonal and
events that happen outside on a wider scale. The effects of traumatic events are observed on physical
health, founding of relations, but also on mental health through the possibility of developing mental
disorders. Young children pose an increased risk for traumatic events due to their dependence on
parents or careers. But not all traumatic events affect more people, sometimes they come back to
normal life. But those who are severely affected by traumatic events may develop mental disorders
such as post-traumatic stress or schizophrenia.

Author Biography

Cosmina-Marilena Manea, Danubius University of Galati

Student, 2nd year, Faculty of Communication and International Relations, Specialization


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How to Cite

Manea, C.-M. (2020). Childhood Trauma Effects on the Development of Personality and Mental Health: Array. New Trends in Psychology, 1(1). Retrieved from


