Isocrates and the Culture of Discourse


  • Cristinel Munteanu


Isocrates; philosophy; rhetoric; culture of discourse; language


In this article, I aim at presenting and commenting on a series of interesting ideas discovered in Isocrates’ ancient discourses, precisely those ideas referring to the importance of language for man in general, seen as a social being. In this regard, one should notice the specific meaning he gave to the Old Greek term philosophia, understood as ‘the culture of discourse’. In other words, I will try to prove that Isocrates’ rhetorical work deserves more appreciation from the specialists or researchers who deal with linguistic ideas and problems of philosophy of language.


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How to Cite

Munteanu, C. (2023). Isocrates and the Culture of Discourse. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio, 17(2), 46–53. Retrieved from



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