Modern Benchmarks in Continuous Teacher Training in the European Context


  • Doinita Popa


lifelong learning; on-the-job trening; action learning; mentoring; coaching


This article shows some aspects of the concept of on-the-job training, which is a current
trend in adult vocational training, driven by the need for human resource development that is
increasingly recognized by employing institutions and by the rapid changes imposed by social
dynamics.This new trend is justified by the fact that on-the-job training offers employees
opportunities to put into practice the skills acquired through other forms of further training. Through
on-the-job training, the employee has the advantage of “working, learning and gaining experience at
the same time”. Thus internal continuous training offers the possibility of faster training of skills and
ensures the transfer of knowledge acquired through learning.


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How to Cite

Popa, D. (2022). Modern Benchmarks in Continuous Teacher Training in the European Context: Array. Didactica Danubiensis, 1(1). Retrieved from



Educational Management